Standalone Stories


The following is a list of standalone Story Whale stories. Please enjoy!

Jessica and Lando the Monkey

What if I told you that when I was ten my best friend was a monkey named Lando? Would you believe me?

The Boy Who Wanted to be a Knight

David was ten years old when he first saw a knight.

A Cat Named Pumpkin Goes for a Wander

Ever since Pumpkin once caught a glimpse of a history show about Ancient Egypt and how cats were worshipped as gods, he assumed his owners Nicola and Brian were Egyptians trying to reconnect with their heritage.

Packing up the Christmas Tree

Christmas songs and time with family. Presents to give and presents to receive. Snowmen and snow angels. Wonderful food and bright decorations to set the mood. Christmas is the best time of year there is.

Libraries: the Home of Stories

Oscar will never forget the first time he went to the library. That day changed his life forever.

That Feeling of Heaviness

It all started with a night of bad sleep.